Thursday 16 August 2012


Hey guys!

Sorry this week has been so dull, it's been a rather busy week. I had an interview with a company that I've wanted to get into for quite some time now, so my brain has been caught up in that mess.  I owe you guys a Wedding Wednesday post, so that will be doubled up next week so you can count on seeing TWO designers featured.

Join me after the cut for some inspiration!

As inspiration for this week [I am apparently late on discovering things] but I discovered this lovely twelve-year-old little girl Talia Joy, who's a brilliant little makeup artist-in-training who is battling cancer.  Here is her YouTube Channel and here is her personal website.

Miss Talia Joy

Her personality is absolutely infectious and she is massively talented. Grown up make up artists should really take a cue from her because she is truly an inspiration to us all.  Now before everyone comes down my throat for her being too young to wear makeup, I find her case to be a bit unique because she uses makeup to feel beautiful over wearing a wig (i.e. "makeup is my wig").  I completely encourage this way of therapy because it is a way for her to be creative and feel that she is making a difference to the world around her regardless of her hardships.  

Update on her condition:

If you were like me and had not yet heard of her, please go check out her videos on YouTube and go read or listen to her story as well! To the brilliant Talia Joy, all my thoughts and prayers are with you, keep doing what you're doing because you're making a difference!

Here's the first video of hers I saw:

Also, before I forget to mention it, her dream is to be a guest on Ellen, so I'd love to support that by encouraging everyone to write in to the show!

I'm currently working on a Fashion Friday post featuring my lovely September issues which I just got TODAY!!!! yeaaaaah!

Talk to you all soon!

P.S. Does anybody have a good site for collage making? PicMonkey is great in theory but Flash always crashes when I go to save my collage.  If anyone knows how to remedy this, please let me know! :) 

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